"You've got to love what you're doing. If you love it, you can overcome any handicap or the soreness or all the aches and pains, and continue to play for a long, long time."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 15: Prioritizing

This is hard! So far, this initiative has forced me to really carefully chose and embrace my priorities. Starting out back at the beginning of the month, my priorities for time management ranked as follows:

1.)wellness (this includes getting enough sleep, ha)
3.)other homework/classwork
4.)social life

This is much easier to write out on a piece of paper than it is to implement into everyday life. I find myself doing superfluous reading assignments instead of sleeping, hanging out with friends instead of doing homework, and playing viola without stretching. Urg. Prioritizing is a skill, that's for sure, and it requires a great deal of self control. I didn't follow through too well a couple days last week, but I'm back on track now. Today I accomplished all of my wellness goals with the exception of my morning stretches (I slept through my alarm. It's Monday...what can I say?) and I didn't stretch before my first practice session. But overall, that's pretty good.

I'm quite sure I'm making progress. Yesterday was the first day I had to take advil and today was the first time I've had to use a therma-care heat wrap since January. (Note: I typically use advil every other day and the heat wraps 1-2 times per week.) That's over two weeks! My right arm/shoulder/neck is especially sore though, and I'm thinking that's either because I slacked off Friday and Saturday or it's time to get a massage again. Or both.

Typically, when I've gone too long without a massage, I have throbbing pain above my right collar bone that radiates up into my neck and my right arm is more irritated than usual. And that's how I'm feeling this evening...hence the therma-care heat wrap. Tomorrow's to-do list:
  • schedule massage
That's a must.

I will defy.


  1. I have been getting a massage once per month for almost 7 years. It has changed my fibromyalgia life. For the better.

    Make the appointment. And before you leave the appointment, make the next.


  2. You, dear Angela, are one of the most disciplined people I know---of any age. I am proud of the very intentional way you go about living. This is not a gift everyone has but you have it, and you've developed it x 10. Other than adding 'talk to my mom regularly' I can't think of a single thing you could add to your priority list. : )

